Metolius Roll Up Stick Clip - Is this the best portable stick clip on the market today?
Metolius Roll Up Stick Clip 1 Metolius Roll Up Stick Clip
I’ve been climbing for just shy of 40 years and have seen the introduction of more than a few pieces of gear that transformed the sport and eventually became standard kit for every climber. Products like the Petzl Gri Gri, Black Diamond’s original Hotwire carabiner, and Mammut’s 10 mm Galaxy rope (one of the first skinny ropes) all fall into this category. Now, after using the new Metolius Roll Up Stick Clip Kit, I suspect that it will also have a similar game-changing impact. Let me explain.
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Stick clipping has become standard practice for sport climbing for a number of excellent reasons. Not only does it prevent ankle-breaking falls when climbing to the first bolt, but it also allows route developers to avoid placing bolts in chossy sections of rock that frequently exist at the beginning of many modern sport climbs. Originally, stick clips consisted of long branches with the draw taped at the end. While this cobbled-together system worked, it had serious limitations, the most obvious being that the sticks would eventually break or they would not be long enough to reach the bolt. Climbers, being a crafty bunch, realized they could substitute an extendable painter’s pole for the stick, and the modern stick clip has not changed much since this update. Unfortunately, painter-pole stick clips are not particularly compact, which makes taking one with you to the crag when you’re driving a small sedan or hatchback difficult, if not impossible. The transportation issues only become worse if you’re flying to a climbing destination; good luck getting a 6’ painter pole on a plane. And here is where the Metolius Roll Up Stick Clip Kit begins to shine.
Metolius Roll Up Stick Clip 3 Metolius Roll Up Stick Clip
Metolius Roll Up Stick Clip 3 Metolius Roll Up Stick Clip
Metolius Roll Up Stick Clip 3 Metolius Roll Up Stick Clip
Consisting of a unique composite pole that literally rolls up into a 95mm x 115mm (3.75”x 4.5”) package, the Roll Up Stick Clip Kit can fit into any pack and takes up almost no space in a vehicle or when flying. When you get to the crag, simply unroll the pole and watch it snap into shape. At this point, you can attach either the supplied Superclip draw holder or use the Camera Mount Adapter with your GoPro (or similarly threaded camera) to document your historic send. The supplied threaded aluminum attachment for the Superclip can also accommodate a variety of appropriately threaded brushes, allowing you to easily clean out-of-reach finishing holds on boulder problems. For its diminutive packed size, the pole, when fully extended, offers 3m of reach (just shy of 10’) and can be quickly shortened by simply rolling up the bottom end of the pole.
Metolius Roll Up Stick Clip 4 Metolius Roll Up Stick Clip
Ok, all this is well and good, but the real question is how does it perform in the field. Well, in my experience, this stick clip outperforms any of the collapsible travel stick clips I’ve used and also outshines many of the cheaper conventional full-size stick clips. Set-up is dead simple (you can deploy it in less than a minute), and the level of stiffness at full extension allows for effortless draw installation and removal – something that can’t be said of whippier stick clips. Storage and length-shortening are painless; simply start rolling up the rivet end and tuck everything back in the storage bag. I found that it was easiest to start rolling the stick a few times, press that rolled end into my torso, and then pull the stick towards me. The process literally takes less than a minute.
So, does the Roll Up Stick Clip Kit have any drawbacks? Well, it’s hard to ignore the price, but there is no stick clip on the market that is as compact and functional as this rig, so the cost actually reflects the performance. The second concern some may have is long-term durability. I won’t lie, I’m not tossing the Roll Up Stick Clip around like I would a cheap hardware store painter’s pole. The composite construction, while incredibly strong and relatively durable, may not withstand that sort of abuse.
So, does the Roll Up Stick Clip Kit have any drawbacks? Well, it’s hard to ignore the price, but there is no stick clip on the market that is as compact and functional as this rig, so the cost actually reflects the performance. The second concern some may have is long-term durability. I won’t lie, I’m not tossing the Roll Up Stick Clip around like I would a cheap hardware store painter’s pole. The composite construction, while incredibly strong and relatively durable, may not withstand that sort of abuse.
Metolius Roll Up Stick Clip 5 Metolius Roll Up Stick Clip
Now comes the hard question: Should you buy the Metolius Roll-Up Stick Clip? If you fly to climbing destinations, drive a small sedan or hatchback, or simply want a compact stick clip that doesn't compromise performance, the answer is a resounding yes. There is currently nothing available that provides this level of compactness and function. It really is that good.
You can find out more about the Metolius Roll Up Stick Clip and other great Metolius products at
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